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New Z Developer Academy kick-off

On 24/11/2020 we started a new Z Developer Academy.

During this 8 weeks academy, our participants will discover the secrets of a Z-mainframe via tips and tricks. They will also learn to write and maintain business applications, develop and support large-scale batch applications or high volume transactions that require a Z-machine.

On Friday 22/01/2021 they will use all their acquired knowledge to present their Case Study.

Introducing Z at VDAB

Introducing Z

On the 20th of February, Barbara, one of our trainers, represented vICTory on the VDAB Technical Day.
Her presentation was titled: “vICTory’s unique asset”.

She talked about future opportunities in ICT and System Z in particular and focused on programming languages, environments and Network Protocols.

This way people of all ages got introduced to the world of these most powerful servers.